Last update

I've done just about all for the summer. I improved the tub a bit. Here is a before/after of the cauking. You can't see the non-slip decals since they are the same color as the tub.


I also had to replace the transformer since it stopped working (it appears to have been about a week). Some of the plants are dry. As a coincidence, while I was testing out the sprinkler system a cap blew off the black hose tubing and water went pouring everywhere. Very glad I was there (first time I actually was).


Click here to see a reduced quality video of the newest work. Don't mind the difference in color of the ground.

Mom, even though you can't see them in these pictures, you will probably be able to see a hummingbird every couple of minutes. There is a whole lot of activity, at least in the summer. Sometimes 2 at a time!

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